Gaia College Publications
Gabai, M. (2017). The feeling of exclusion and self-image among people with abnormal weight and those who train in gyms. A final project submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for receiving the MEd degree in the program: learning and teaching. Kei Academic College. Gaia College Open Access Publication Dis 00180. OL: http://gaia.college/dis/00180
Diab, R. (2020). Intellectual Efficiency of Primary School Principals and its Relationship to Emotional Intelligence from Teachers' Point of View. PhD Dissertation. Yarmouk University. Gaia College Open Access Publication. OL: Http://www.gaia.college/dis/00220
Hila Fuchs. (2022). Psychological flexibility and attitudes towards individuals with disabilities. Culture – Society – Education no. 1(21), Poznań, pp. 145–159, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422, ISSN (Online) 2719-2717. DOI 10.14746/kse.2022.21.9
Fuchs, H., Petkova, T., Fishbein, A., Galily, D., & Fuchs, A. (2023). Psychological Flexibility in Human Leadership - Facing the Challenges and Needs of the 21st Century Working Social Spaces. in Economics, Management & Business 2023 - Contemporary Issues, Insights and New Challenges. Presov University Press.
Malol, A. (2021). Kindergarten Perception of Movement Activity as a Factor that Promotes Self-control and Emotional Regulation. Dissertation submitted as part of the requirements for the degree M.Ed. Gordon Academic College of Education, Haifa, Israel. Gaia College Open Access Publication Dis 14220. OL:Http://gaia.college/dis/14220
Vaknin, R. (2022). The Impact of an Intervention Program Based on the "Regulated Decision-Making" Model on the Social Skills of Adolescents with Learning Disabilities. Thesis for obtaining a degree of M.Ed in Inclusion. David Yellin Academic College of Education. Gaia College Open Access Publication Dis 14221. OL: Http://www.gaia.college/dis/14221
Tzohar, S. (2022). The relationship between rehabilitative swimming and the stress level of children diagnosed on the autistic spectrum. Dissertation as part of the obligations of the MEd degree studies. Herzog Academic College. Gaia College Open Access Publication Dis 14222. OL: Http://gaia.college/dis/14222
Sela, R. (2022). Comparison between Shamanism and Characteristics of Heroin Addiction. Gaia College Open Access Publication Dis 22221. OL: Http://gaia.college/dis/22221
Roffe, E. (2022). Social influence on the promotion of ideas and products. MA Seminar Dissertation. Open University of Israel. Gaia College Open Access Publication. OL: Http://www.gaia.college/dis/31095
Saroussi, K. (2009). Models and Performance Evaluation in the Provident Funds. Gaia College Open Access Publication, Dis 32221. OL: http://www.gaia.college/dis/32221