Natural Sciences Professors
These professors at our universities
are looking for doctoral students
so we also added also their
research fields
Dear Friends,
Following the high level that our students present in our doctoral programs, a phenomenon has begun that professors turn to Gaia College and ask that we find them doctoral students in their research fields. I am happy to pass you a partial list of professors and disciplines we have received over the past few months.
Here you will find professors in various research fields that may be suitable for you: topics for a doctorate in education, a doctorate in special education, a doctorate in mathematics teaching, a doctorate in business administration, a doctorate in nursing, a doctorate in psychotherapy, a doctorate in marketing, a doctorate in psychology... and more and more.
If you find a field that interests you, you have a professor waiting for you. If you did not find one, challenge us and let us turn the world upside down for you - our personal history shows a reasonable chance that we will succeed.
Dr. Hila Fuchs, PhD, CEO
Gaia College - Fulfilling Academic Dreams
Doctorate Research Topics
Part One - Research Topics in the Natural Sciences
Part Two - Research Topics in Education
Part Three - Research Topics in Psychotherapy
Part Four - Research Topics in Management, Economics and Marketing
Part Five - Research Topics in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Part Six - Research Topics in Communication Clinics
Part Seven - Research Topics in Physical Therapy
Part Eight - Research topics in nursing, medicine and health management
Part Nine - Research Topics in Social Work
Part Ten - Research topics in sports and physical education
Part Eleven - Research Topics in Films and Films Teaching
Part One
PhD Topics in Natural Sciences
Prof. Ivanka Stankova
# Organic Chemistry
Prof. Stanislav Awk
# Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by soil conservation treatment
Prof. Yitztuk Debitek
# Pedagogy of the Hurricane of Biology
# Pedagogy of environmental teaching
Prof. Stoyan Kostnevets
# There are
Prof. Gregor Turker
# A learning experience that produces an active and enlightened consciousness for the preservation of the environment