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Our way to perfect English - a life-changing game

The rules of the game - first step - mapping and off we go
Bachelor's degree, master's degree, third degree - you can fulfill all your academic dreams

We have prepared for you a dictionary of important basic words that are the basis for mastering the English language. When you finish all the lessons offered to you here, you will master the English language and be able to conduct daily and academic dialogues

So how do you start the journey?
First of all do a level test. It is very general but you will find that it represents the current situation quite well.

So how do you play the English game?
At each step, click on the icon that appears in the questionnaire
The icon takes you to the task preparation page
Go through the page in the blink of an eye and go on a mission

Write down the interpretation of the word to the best of your knowledge and then, above each word, indicate how certain you are that the interpretation you wrote is the correct interpretation.

After completing the instructions written above for all 100 words on the page, you can click on the attached link on the questions page to get to the answers page, on this page you can see the correct answer to each and every word. From the answers you can learn and improve the next time you fill out the questionnaire.

(Do not enter the answer page while filling out the questionnaire - you can before and after but not during)

And then just before you click on SEND Write us how many words you got right according to the translation page, and how many words you were sure you got right when you wrote the interpretation. That's it for today.

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The next day...enter the link and do it again.
Like this every day until you reach a situation where you are right in 75% of the words and feel confident in your answer in 75% of the words.

Then you are invited to go to the next questionnaire...only 4 words. You deserve a little rest too...

After that, you can go to the next page in the questionnaire, but don't forget the first page, to which you will return every day you practice and practice on the two corresponding pages, until you reach 100% accuracy in all the interpretations of the words and a sense of security in writing the answers on the first page._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
When you have 100% accuracy in all the words and a sense of the accuracy of your interpretation, then you can stop filling out this questionnaire and concentrate only on the next questionnaire...
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So go ahead...get going

Or as dear Dr. Seuss said - "If you go out, you will come to wonderful places"

Here we have placed a link to the answers - but click on it only after you have answered the entire questionnaire
And just before you click on "send"

1. abandon
5. absolutely
2. ability
6. abuse
3. able
7. accept
4. abortion
8. access
9. base
13. band
10. basic
14. above
11. basket
12. bathroom
15. capacity
16. barrier
17. Dad
18. daily
19. damage
20. dance
21. cap
23. carbon
24. handle
25. about
29. danger
27. card
26. dangerous
30. each
31. eager
28. dark
32. candidate
33. captain
37. early
41. back
34. barely
35. balance
36. ear
38. capability
39. earn
40. earth
42. ease
43. fabric
44. face
45. facility
49. gain
53. calculate
57. battery
61. hall
65. awareness
69. by
73. abroad
77. away
81. campaign
85. accordingly
46. fact
50. galaxy
54. editor
58. habitat
47. capital
48. factor
52. cancer
51. barrel
55. gallery
56. habit
59. hair
60. half
62. hand
63. capture
64. handful
66. battle
68. Education
70. buyer
71. hang
72. care
74. Dare
75. Absence
76. happen
78. cabin
79. bake
82. ban
83. awful
80. cabinet
84. accurate
86. accomplish
87. accompany
88. happy
89. accident
93. label
97. job
90. laboratory
94 lab
98. jacket
91. ice
92. Labor
95. keep
96. join
99. ideal
100. idea
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