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Third degree studies
at Gaia College for Academic Research
Our PhD programs

May another academic dream come true for you

The unique research model of Gaia College for academic research allows you to study all over the world with the universities we work with and all from the armchair in the living room or at the university in the sand or a combination between the two models. And of course we have unique and innovative teaching methods that will allow you to discover the academic world anew!

PhD Mentors

Prof. Dr. Eng. Raya Stoyanova, PhD
Prof. Dr. Eng. Raya Stoyanova, PhD

Dep. of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Technological Faculty, SWU, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

PhD mentor of Eyal Wahabi

Prof. Janez Vogrinc, PhD
Prof. Janez Vogrinc, PhD

Prof. of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana

Prof. Klara Dokova, MD, PhD
Prof. Klara Dokova, MD, PhD

Prof. of Medicine, Medical University Varna, Bulgaria

PhD Supervisor of Pavel Motter

Prof. Yanka Totseva
Prof. Yanka Totseva

Prof. of Education, Southwest Univesity, Bulgaria

PhD supervisor of Dvir Edri.

Prof. Iztok Devetak, PhD
Prof. Iztok Devetak, PhD

Prof. of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prof. of Chemical Education
Department of Biology, Chemistry and Home Economics
Faculty of Education, Ljubljana University

Prof. Janez Krek, PhD
Prof. Janez Krek, PhD

Prof. of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

PhD supervisor of Eli Tsarfati; Adam Fara; Oren Fridman

Prof. Elena Karashtranova, PhD
Prof. Elena Karashtranova, PhD

Dean if the Faculty of Mathmatics and Natural Science

PhD supervisor of Aharon Goldrich

For a consultation call and guidance at no cost and without obligation

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