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C&AP is a unique academic program during which the first year of the PhD is done, designed to facilitate the publication of academic research through academic conferences. As a master's student, you will participate in the first year of the PhD program at C&AP.

C&AP How does it actually work?


The program is tailored to those with a master's degree who are starting their doctoral studies

The personal tutor model

Each student is assigned a professor who serves as a personal mentor.


Mentoring involves the joint identification of research topics of common interest.


The mentor and the student meet every month for an hour-long mentoring session. 

Mentor meetings and assignments

During the monthly meetings, the mentor gives the student a list of tasks to complete before the next meeting.

The student has three weeks to complete and submit the assigned assignments.

The tutor spends the last week before the next meeting reviewing the student's work. 

Expected results


finish First doctoral year in a personal, enveloping, unique and innovative framework.

Accelerated academic publications for participating students. 

Improving research skills under the guidance of experienced mentors. 

Increasing visibility in academic circles through participation in conferences. 

fundamental principles

Participation in conferences: actively participating in academic conferences to present your research findings and to accumulate academic credit.


Scientific publications: the goal is to publish academic articles through participation in conferences that win scientific publications. 

Conferences and advertising

Accelerated academic publications for participating students


Improving research skills under the guidance of experienced mentors


Increasing visibility in academic circles through participation in conferences

Benefits for participants

- Direct mentoring from experienced professors. 

- Structured training on research and publication issues. 

- Opportunities for academic networking and professional development. 


- Students: commitment to completing assignments and conducting research according to the guidance of the mentors. 

- Mentors: commitment to constructive feedback, training and identifying suitable conferences for publication.

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With this structured approach, the C&AP academic program aims to provide academics with their first year of PhD in a rigorous yet supportive and unique pathway that enhances their research skills and academic credentials.   

Gaia College Research Institute

The unique research model of Gaia College for academic research allows you to study all over the world with the universities we work with and all from the armchair in the living room or at the university in the sand or a combination of the two models. And of course we have unique and innovative teaching methods that will allow you to discover the academic world anew!

The technological division

Research and publication of articles





professional studies

Bachelor's degree and Master's degree

For a consultation call and guidance at no cost and without obligation

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