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TV Station in the Medical University Varna



Southwestern University  

is in the top decile of the world academy, at four percent Ha'aliyon - academic position 4,005 out of about 100,000 academic institutions in the world 

Medical University Varna  Lםעם
Modern Architecture
Ariel Fuchs and Prof. Natalia Usheva, PhD


Name and address of the university

A cup of coffee at Varna Medical University

University name:  

South-West University/



University address: 

66 Ivan Mihailov St. 
2700 Blagoevgrad 


Your PhD supervisor is waiting just for you
Art Gallery


Information sheets, a video, and a 3D tour of the university - enter and enjoy:  

Painting Wall


The duration of the doctoral studies and their cost

The cost of the doctorate bSWUTo3 yearsSheAbout NIS 49,275

  • For comparison with an Israeli PhD =

  • 14000 NIS * 2 - completion of thesis + 7000 NIS * 5 - doctoral studies

  • Cost of a doctorate in the State of IsraelFor those who do not have a thesis in the master's degree, it is =63000 NIS

  1. To this must be added a shortening of 4 years - 57% more effort in the third degree in Israel

  2. 4 years before entering the job market as doctors

  3. 4 years of extra salary Dr. PHD is recognized for those who are civil servants

  4. 4 years that you can access tenders that are intended for staff with senior management horizons

  5. So if we put into the equation only a salary increase of 4 years with a minimum amount of NIS 5000

  6. The gap in favor of SWU increased by another NIS 20,000

  7. It follows from this that, without taking into account the quantum leaps that our doctorate students have in their careers as a result of the fact that the line doctorate is added to their resumesOnly with a minimal addition  of a civil servant - the cost of the third degree at SWU is about NIS 29275 Compared to NIS 63,000 in Israel

  • To this must be added a one-time payment of about 250 euros: 105 euros university registration fee + 105 euros for handling the recognition procedure with the Bulgarian scholarship + about 40 euros translation of the documents into Bulgarian by a local translation company.

  • Another economic advantage - flights, hotels and food are very cheap.

  • Gaia College - all the good that the academic world has to offer

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Medical University Varna
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Medical University Varna  TV Station
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Medical University Varna

MUV wins first prize in educational innovation WEBIT 2017: 


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Medical University Varna

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