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Gaya College has several tracks for third degree studies. There is of course the usual route that everyone knows. which includes introductory courses followed by writing a research proposal and so on. There are several direct routes. There are excellent tracks with a guarantee from the university for a maximum duration, as long as the doctoral student meets the requirements of the program. There are tracks for those with a thesis. There are tracks for those without a thesis. And there is the C&AP  The unique and innovative of Gaia College for Academic Research. In several cases it is possible to get a professional doctorate instead of a research one and in several cases the publication of the articles within the C&AP could be a substitute for completing a thesis in the master's degree...let's get started.

The third degree courses of Gaia College for Academic Research

Our PhD programs

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Track for those with a thesis
in distance learning

There are several places in the world where PhD students have to have a master's thesis and if they don't have a thesis they can't be accepted for doctoral studies than in Israel. It is about Spain, Poland and in some programs also Austria. These countries are therefore, in practice, open in the field of third degree studies only to those with a master's thesis.

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direct route
Master's degree + Ph.D

Today at Gaia College we have 3 direct tracks for a master's degree and a third degree. In computer science, in psychotherapy, in the arts, in politics - by the way, in all of them there is also a way to start the course with a bachelor's degree. It's a little different from program to program but possible

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Track for a PhD without a thesis
in distance learning

A two-stage program. In the first phase, the doctoral student studies introductory courses. Then he writes the research proposal. The doctoral research proposal goes to a faculty committee which, after its approval, forwards it to the senate committee and at the end of about 3 years, the research proposal is approved and the research begins. Just like in Israel. It's just that if you have a thesis in Israel you will also have to add two years of thesis completion to it. This step is taken from you. Something too!

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program in close learning

All our programs except CA&P allow you to move for a certain period to the country where you do your doctoral studies. From a relocation semester to the entire study period. of your choice.

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A unique doctoral study program for Gaia College for Academic Research. You start your PhD as soon as you find a supervisor. The supervisor accompanies your doctorate even before you are enrolled in the supervisor's university. He accompanies you personally through Gaia College. You meet every month. The writing of the literature review and the research proposal are promoted and at the same time you are invited to academic conferences of the type where at the end of the conference the articles of the conference are published and not a booklet of abstracts. So that at the end of this year you will have all the required literature review, all the literature review will be published in academic journals. And now you are starting to do your doctorate within the university framework when you have done all the hard work calmly outside the university and have accumulated invaluable academic credit.

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Outstanding Program
in distance learning

Outstanding third degree programs in academia are very rare. But if you look really, really well, you can find such academic diamonds there. spoken About programs for which the admission procedure is longer and can also take a year and we also had a case of two years. But, as soon as you enter the program, you immediately become second-tier doctoral students with an approved research proposal. The data collection can be started immediately. with the notification of receipt. The completion courses of the first year are done in the structure of a personal plan. And usually in such programs there is permission from the local scholarship to finish the program between one and two years from the date of admission to studies.  

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