Gaia College Researchers
Alexander Hait
PhD Student
Lev Academic College
Business Administration Researcher
GCRI - Gaia College Research Institute
Ayelet Malol
Ph.D. Student
University of Ljubljana
M.Ed. in Education
Gordon Academic College of Education
Gaia College
Batia Malka Srebrenik
PhD Student
MA in Art Therapy
Haifa University
Art Therapy Researcher
Gaia College
Dr. Hila Fuchs
Post Ph.D. Researcher
University of Ljubljana
CEO and Head of Researcher Department
Gaia College
Eliran Roffe
PhD Student
MA in Bussiness Manegment
Open University of Israel
Economy Researcher
Gaia College
Galia Kovesh
PhD Student
Ljubljana University
MA in Society and Arts
ASA - The Academic College for Society and Arts
Compassion, Burnout and Well Being Researcher
Gaia College
Hagar Shwartz
PhD Student
Beit Berl Academic College
Augmented Reality Researcher
Mathematical Pedagogy Researcher
Gaia College
Hanan Serhan
PhD Student
Ljubljana University
MA in Education
Haifa University
Leadership Styles and Informal Education Researchers
GCRI - Gaia College Research Institute
Karni Iritz Mizrahi
PhD Student
College of Management Academic Studies
Gaia College
Kfir Saroussi
PhD Student
MA in Economics
Haifa University
Provident Funds Researcher
Gaia College
Liron Mishkin Drezner
לירון מישקין דרזנר
סטודנטית לתואר שלישי
MSc תואר שני הניהול טכנולוגיה
האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים
חוקרת בינה מלכותית
מכללת גאיה למדע וטכנולוגיה
Oshrit Mor
PhD Student
Ljubljana University
MA in Society and Arts
Orot Israel - Academic College of Education
Teacher empowerment and Self-efficacy Researcher
Gaia College
Prof. Daniel Galily
Post Ph.D. Researcher
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ph.D. of Political Science
South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria
Democratic Education Researcher
Gaia College, Israel
Prof. Tatyana Vasila Petkova
Research Fellow of Political Science
Gaia College Research Institute, Jerusalem, Israel
Assistant Prof. Faculty of Philosophy
South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Post Doctorate in Political Science
Gaia College Research Institute, Jerusalem, Israel
Ph.D. of Political Science
South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Prof. dr. asso. Frank Musmar, PhD
Head of Business Administration and Geopolitics Post doc Labaratories
Gaia College Research Institute
PhD in Business administration
Walden University
PhD in Biological Management
University of Texas
Business Administration and Geopolitics Researcher
GCRI - Gaia College Research Institute
Prof. dr. hab. Slawomir Banaszak, PhD
Head Post doc Labaratories &
Head of the Centre for Qualitative and Quantitative
Social and Economic Research
Gaia College Research Institute
Social and Economic Researcher
GCRI - Gaia College Research Institute
Ran Mor
PhD Student
Ljubljana University
MEd in Biblical teaching and sage literature
Orot Israel Academic College
Gaia College
Raz Sela
PhD Student
MA in Drama Therapy
Haifa University
Oncological Drama Therapy Researcher
Gaia College
Shai Tzohar
PhD Student
University of Ljubljana
M.Ed. in Education
Hertzog Academic College
Rehabilitation Researcher
Gaia College
Wael Mugrabi
PhD Student
South West University
MA in Political Science
Bar Ilan University
Sport Tourism Researcher
Gaia College

Gaia College Research Institute
Ringgold ID no. 612580; Com ID no. 16985467
Google 1st Page: 82, World TOP5: 11
Google medal: 350
Best Uni Rank: 313
Gaia College Team