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Prof. Janez Krek, PhD

Prof. of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

red. prof. dr. Janez Krek, PhD

Ljubljana University


Krek, J. (2020). Structural Reasons for School Violence and Education Strategies. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 10(2), pp.145-173.‏

Tahiraj, I., & Krek, J. (2022). Organisational Culture in Public University: A Case Study in Kosovo. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal.‏

Bîrzea, C., Cecchini, M., Harrison, C., Krek, J., & Spajić-Vrkaš, V. (2005). Tool for Quality Assurance of Education for Democratic Citizenship in Schools. Paris: Unesco.

Razdevšek-Pučko, C., & Krek, J. (2006). The prospects of teacher education in South-East Europe. Pedagoška fakulteta.

Krek, J. (Ed.). (1996). White paper on education in the Republic of Slovenia. Ministry of Education and Sport, Slovenia.

Krek, J. (2020). AUTONOMY, SYMBOLIC LAW AND PATERNALISM IN EDUCATION. in Blerim, S. & Sanja, B. (Eds). Selected Topics in Education, pp.59-80. Albas, Tiranë. ISBN 978-9928-311-96-2‏


Prof. Janez Krek, PhD

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