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Prof. Yanka Totseva

Prof. of Education, Southwest Univesity, Bulgaria

Leading research topics:

Еducational Management, ICT in Education, Digital competencies, Professional competencies on the headmasters and teachers, Management in multicultural environment, Communication management.

Her book "Business communication management"

had until now about 15000 readers (acording to ReaserchGate)


Some of prof. Totseva publications:

Totseva, Y. (2014). The Education Reforms, Public Discussions and Social Changes in Bulgaria. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies and Environmental Communication, 3(01), 124-134.

Totseva, Y. (2015). Communications management in school. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 3, 118-128.

Totseva, Y., & Bakracheva, M. (2018). Stereotypes and social representations as intercultural dialogue facilitators or impediments. Rhetoric and communications, 35-37.

Totseva, Y. (2022). Professional roles of the teacher through the eyes of leaders. In Shamov Pedagogical Readings. pp. 900-907.

Prof. Yanka Totseva


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